Original Stories

Welcome to the original stories page where I will post any original stories sent to me.

Click on One-shot or the number. Well I will have it like this. Title > One-shot|Number 1,2,3 etc depending on chapters.

Rating system: E = Everyone, T = Teen, 14+= 14 and younger, YA= young adults, and M= 17+

Planets: Aesylus|Gaia|Tera|Unknown

the stories

key: Title: RATE|Chapter numbers|oneshot|Genre(s)|Planet

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Here are all of Salya's original stories

Boyfriend ProblemsT01RomanceGaia
Dragon's HeartYA01RomanceGaia
Ghostly LoveMOne-shotWIPGaia
Goddess's FearYAOne-shotParanormalTera
Girls and Wings14One-shotRomanceGaia
Imperfect ReincarnationYAOne-shotFantasyTera
Love SpellM01,02,03FantasyGaia
My Darkness, My LifeYA01,02,03,04Dark, FantasyAesylua
My Seven Deadly SinsYA01,02FantasyGaia
Neko LoveYAChaptersFantasyGaia
Not So BrokenYAChapterFriendship,Fantasy, RomanceAesylua
Only I can Own My HeartT00FantasyGaia
Problem with TwinsYA01FantasyGaia
Seven MinutesYA01,02,03,04,05FantasyGaia
Telling A Witch The Truth Or NotYAOne-shotFantasyTera
Unchain meYA00Fantasy, RomanceTera
Wolf LoveYA01WIPTera